DUSD June Board Meeting Posted

DUSD_logo-SmallDenair Unified School District has posted the agenda for the June regular board meeting, scheduled for June 12, 2014. The public meeting starts at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be held in the DUSD Leadership/Board Room.

Additionally, an agenda for a special board meeting, scheduled for June 12, 2014, has been posted. The public meeting starts at 5:45 pm. The meeting will be held in the DUSD Leadership/Board Room.

DUSD April Board Meetings Posted

DUSD LogoDenair Unified School District has posted the agenda for the April regular board meeting, scheduled for April 10, 2014. The public meeting starts at 7:00 pm.  The special April board meeting agenda has also been posted and is scheduled for April 14, 2014.  The special public board meeting will start at 8:00 am.  Both meetings will be held in the DUSD Leadership/Board Room.