The application period opened today for parents who would like to enroll their children into kindergarten and transitional kindergarten for the next school year at Denair Elementary Charter Academy.
For the first time, the process will be entirely online. Parents should go to www.denairschoolmint.net to fill out an application.
Here is the key information:
- The initial application period will be open from Jan. 21 through Feb. 11
- From Feb. 16 through Feb. 19, DECA officials will send offers to register for the 2021-2022
school year
- Upon receiving an offer to register, parents must complete the registration process between Feb. 22 and March 31
- During registration, families need to complete all online forms and upload all required documentation. Completed registration packets must include a copy of the child’s birth certificate, updated immunization records and proof of residency (such as a utility bill).
- Parents registering children for the dual language immersion program also must attend a Zoom orientation meeting, then complete a form denoting their understanding of and commitment to the program. Meeting dates are listed in the registration packet. Office staff will provide families with a Zoom invitation link to attend the orientation meeting following the date selection.
“We are excited to move to the new paperless online application and registration system,” said DECA Principal Kelly Beard. “The new online system will provide greater access, convenience and efficiency.”
Parents with questions are encouraged to call the DECA office at (209) 632-8887.
Incoming kindergartners must turn 5 by Sept. 1. Children who turn 5 between Sept. 2 and Dec. 2 are eligible for transitional kindergarten.
DECA features traditional as well as dual language immersion instructional tracks for kindergarten through fifth grade, plus a traditional transitional kindergarten program.
At DECA, students are exposed early on to the importance of attending college, there is a wide range of fun and important electives and afterschool activities, and emphasis is placed on being safe, responsible, respectful and kind.
All this occurs on a pretty and well-maintained campus under the direction of an experienced staff passionate about educating students.
The immersion program will be heading into its seventh year next fall. The first group of students is now in fifth grade. New classes will be added next year as they move to Denair Middle School.
Immersion means just that. In kindergarten, 90% of the instruction is in Spanish, in first grade it drops to 80%, then 70% in second grade, 60% in third grade, and 50% in fourth and fifth grades.
Dual immersion teachers in kindergarten through second grade only speak Spanish in front of their students. English instruction takes place with other teachers.
It’s not just dual language immersion students who learn a second language. Students on the traditional track also receive Spanish instruction one to three times a week in the language lab.
In addition, DECA provides a variety of fun and challenging Academic Adventure electives, such as:
- Drama
- Technology
- Engineering design
- Health and nutrition
- Art
- Horticulture
- Music