Decades of service to the community and the school district will be recognized and honored Friday night when the athletic facilities at Denair High School are formally renamed the Denair Lions Sports Complex.
The ceremony will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the parking lot at Jack Lytton Stadium just before Denair’s final football game of the season against Waterford.
Founded in 1949, the Denair Lions Club has been a longtime supporter of the Denair Unified School District and its students. Many of the Lions Club members are graduates of the Denair school system as are their spouses, children and grandchildren.
Through the years, the Lions Club has completed many significant and important projects at the high school. Lions Club members purchased and installed football, baseball, softball and basketball scoreboards. In 2020, the Lions Club bought new LED lights for the football stadium and members spent multiple weekends installing them.
“When I came to Denair in 2018, it was quickly apparent that the Denair Lions were a strong and positive force in the community,” said Superintendent Terry Metzger. “Club members are well-connected to the schools and they care about our programs and students.
“I attend several club meetings each year and have found the Lions to be genuinely interested in what’s happening in the district and eager to help wherever they can. I’ll also say that they are not afraid to ask hard questions, which I really appreciate because it helps us improve the way we serve our community.”
In recognition of all that the Lions Club has done for the school district, three black metal arches will be dedicated Friday — one over the football parking lot, one over the back gate of the football field and one entering the gym. All will say Denair Lions Sports Complex.
The signs were built and donated by T.J. McDonald, owner of West Steel and Plastics. Inc. of Turlock.
The Lions Club members’ generosity extends to more than just the athletic facilities.
“This collective group of giving men provides for our families during the holidays with both Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday dinner baskets and our elementary students enjoy their enormous Easter egg hunt,” said Denair High School Principal Kara Backman. “We also have an amazing partnership with Dr. Plett and the Denair Lions Club to support students who need prescription glasses.”
All current and former Lions Club members have been invited to Friday’s ceremony.