New Employee Profile: Erin Sniatecki

Family: Husband, John; daughters, Saylor and Isabelle

School: Denair Middle School

Subject taught: Seventh-grade math and seventh- and eighth-grade STEM

Experience and education:  Master’s degree in teaching middle grades mathematics and a bachelor’s in science materials engineering. I began my teaching career in Georgia in 2013.  

What attracted you to Denair? Denair Middle School has a welcoming and inclusive feeling immediately when you walk on campus. This is a positive reflection upon its students and their families.  I am excited to teach mathematics and develop a rigorous curriculum in STEM that will support all students in becoming critical thinkers and problem solvers.

What most inspires you about teaching? I am most inspired by the positive interactions that schools, their teachers and staff have with students and their families. 

What is a challenge you look forward to tackling this year? My biggest challenge may be in choosing which colors to wear (or not to wear) once sorted into the DMS House System.

What is your favorite teaching tool or activity? A favorite activity is using project-based learning in which students learn to strengthen their skills as they work towards a common goal. 

What do you want your students to remember? I want my students to remember that their voices matter within our learning spaces.

How can parents support what you do? I would like families to support their students by encouraging them to actively participate in their education.  Families are an important part of a student’s success and I value their support.

What would surprise people about your job? I imagine that people would be surprised by the amount of listening we do as educators. 

What do you do for fun? For fun, I enjoy camping and hiking with my family.

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