Denair students may be away from campus in a distance-learning environment, but they still will commemorate Red Ribbon Week next week, just like they have for years. Red Ribbon Week began in 1985 as a way to discourage drug use among children while promoting healthy behaviors.
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan was one of the original proponents of Red Ribbon Week. It is a tribute to former Drug Enforcement Agency agent Enrique Camarena, who was killed during an undercover assignment in Mexico.
Though the COVID pandemic has forced students and staff into a virtual world since mid-March, each campus in the Denair Unified School District has planned a number of events starting Monday. All are being coordinated by staff as well as student members of the PHAST (Protecting Health and Slamming Tobacco) Clubs. This year’s theme is “Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free.”
Denair High School
- Monday: Hat Day. Wear your favorite hat.
- Tuesday: Sports Day. Wear something that represents your favorite sports team.
- Wednesday: Disney Day. Dress up as your favorite Disney character or wear a piece of clothing that is Disney-themed.
- Thursday: Color Day. Seniors wear red, juniors blue, sophomores yellow and freshmen orange.
- Friday: Purple Day. Everyone wears the school colors.
Since students will be unable to decorate the campus as usual, there will be a photo board contest for all to enter if they wish. Sports bottles with a Red Ribbon theme will be passed out on Thursday. And there will be a schoolwide Kahoots game with prizes for students who finish first, second and third.
Denair Middle School
- Monday: Pajama Day. Wear your pajamas to virtual class.
- Tuesday: Tie Dye Day. Wear something tie-dyed.
- Wednesday: Sports Day. Wear something that represents your favorite sports team.
- Thursday: Decades Day. Dress in the style of a favorite decade (1960s, ’70s, ’80s, etc.)
- Friday: Halloween Costume Day. Wear your costume.
There will be daily prize drawings for students with the most creative outfits. Photos should be sent to cmcdonald@dusd.k12.ca.us. Social studies classes will feature Red Ribbon Week lessons, including information on the Enrique Camarena back story. Students also will be encouraged to enter a Red Ribbon Week poster contest sponsored by the Stanislaus County Office of Education.
Denair Elementary Charter Academy
- Monday: Working to be Drug Free. Dress up in “career” clothing.
- Tuesday: You’d Have to be Mad to Use Drugs. Wear a hat.
- Wednesday: Drugs Are Crazy. Crazy hair day.
- Thursday: I Have the Power to be Drug Free. Dress up as a movie character or superhero.
- Friday: Say “Boo” to Drugs! Wear your Halloween costume.
All students also are encouraged to draw posters for Red Ribbon Week. They can be horizontal or vertical. Parents should bring the posters to school on Thursday, Oct. 29 while dropping off and picking up lessons. The posters will be hung on the fence for all to admire.
Denair Charter Academy
- Monday: Leave Drugs on Red. Wear something red (shirt, shoes, socks, headband, hat, sweater, etc.).
- Tuesday: It’s a Good Day to Tie Dye: Wear an article of clothing that is tie-dyed.
- Wednesday: The Wonderful World of Being Drug Free. Dress up as your favorite Disney character or wear a piece of clothing that is Disney-themed.
- Thursday: Leave Drugs Out of the Huddle. Wear something that represents your favorite sports team.
- Friday: DCA’s Drug Free Spirit: Wear something that represents the school color – purple.
DCA students are home-schooled (K-8) or are on independent study (high school). All students are encouraged to send photos of themselves dressed up or stop by the office to have a photo taken. Some photos will be shared on DCA’s Facebook page and students will be eligible for prizes.