This is one in a series of Q&A’s with employees new to Denair Unified in 2022-23.
Family: My children live in Modesto with their dad. They are Ani (13), Sezria (15) and Titus (17). Ani (pronounced Oni) is an eighth-grader at Roosevelt Junior High, Sez-ria is a sophomore at Enochs High and Titus is a senior at Enochs.
School: Denair Elementary Charter Academy
Subject taught: Special education
Experience and education: I have been a moderate/severe education specialist, K-8, over the past four years at UMASS Global University while simultaneously maintaining a classroom of my own. I decided to switch to mild/moderate special education because I would like to incorporate more of a curriculum-based challenge into my scope of teaching.
What attracted you to Denair? I like the small-town aspects of teaching in Denair as I hope to make genuine connections with elevating our students to a higher level of learning.
What most inspires you about teaching? I am most inspired by student-centered teaching because I enjoy providing a lesson and exploring the directions that the students are able to take it.
What is a challenge you look forward to tackling this year? I would like for our students to demonstrate positive growth and creativity based on the themes and lessons that I provide for them.
What is your favorite teaching tool or activity? Google classroom is an awesome resource because it allows me to share a collaboration of all of the tools and resources that I am utilizing in the classroom.
What do you want your students to remember? I meet my students where they are in the learning process and I relate to them in ways that are relevant to who they are as individuals.
How can parents support what you do? I value parental involvement and input. I appreciate when they ask questions and inquire about the activities that I share in my Google classroom.
What would surprise people about your job? Although I have been well-trained in educating students, it is the day in and day out interactions with my students that educate me the most. I grow every day!What do you do for fun? Outdoor activities always charge me up! I enjoy water activities like rafting and swimming.