Name: Stacey Bargas
Family: Husband, Tony; sons, Joseph and Gabriel
Position: Food Server 1
Experience: 16 years
What attracted you to Denair Unified? My boys were enrolled in Denair State Pre-School and Denair Elementary. The district needed subs. I decided to sub for the school. I ended up subbing at the elementary cafeteria. Denair is a small town. I knew many teachers and students. Everyone looked like they were having fun. I was already volunteering in my sons’ classrooms, so I figured, “Why not?”
What are your primary responsibilities? This year, I started a new position. I’ve been cooking from scratch for Denair Elementary Charter Academy. I was lead at DECA for two years prior and, before that, I prepared pre-cooked food and served lunch for DECA. DECA was my home for 14 years. I built many relationships with our students and staff.
What do you like best about your job? I like coming to work, cooking meals that the kids will enjoy. I love greeting the middle school kids at breakfast. I make sure their day gets started with a “hello” and a big smile. And I make sure I get one in return. (Even if they don’t want to!)
What would surprise people about your job? That I can cook! People who know me know I wasn’t crazy about cooking, actual cooking. Now, I’ve learned new cooking tricks! I’ve hosted family parties and prepared the food! Too bad my kids are already grown up. I didn’t have the confidence to cook from scratch like I do now.
Why is Denair Unified a great place to work? Denair is a small district. I know practically everyone in this town, even though I grew up in Hughson. I moved to Tennessee in 2022. I got a job as a manager at Martin Middle School. And even though I liked it, it was nothing like working at Denair. I missed the students, staff and all the families I built relationships with. I was so grateful I was given the opportunity to come back to this district.
What do you do for fun? I love going to the beach with my best friend, camping, being the photographer for my husband’s fishing trips, going to church and hanging out with my hens and dogs.
Denair Unified is currently accepting applications for Classified substitutes. If you would like to gain experience in a variety of roles, subbing is a great way to do that. You can apply at https://www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/1896889 or contact Daisy Flores at dflores@dusd.k12.ca.us.