Students at Denair Elementary Charter Academy will participate in a series of Dr. Seuss events beginning Monday as part of the school’s celebration of Read Across America week.
Read Across America is a nationwide event coordinated by the National Education Association. It includes suggested books appropriate for students at various grade levels as well as ideas for other activities to promote reading.
At DECA, school officials and staff chose to use the popular Dr. Seuss series as the theme to organize reading as well as dress-up activities throughout the week – all in an effort to generate more excitement about what can be learned and enjoyed when students know how to read.
Each day next week will have a theme based on a specific Dr. Seuss book:
- Monday: “I Am Not Going to Get Up Today.” Students can wear their pajamas to school and bring their favorite stuffed animal.
- Tuesday: “Green Eggs and Ham.” Everyone will wear green clothing.
- Wednesday: “Wacky Wednesday.” Students can wear their clothes inside out, don a crazy hat, sport crazy socks and have a crazy hair day.
- Thursday: “Put Me in the Zoo.” Students will wear clothing with spots and dots.
- Friday: “Cat in the Hat.” Students and one of their friends will dress like twins.
Students in DECA’s five second-grade classrooms will rotate during the week and read a different Dr. Seuss book with each teacher – “The Lorax” with Mrs. Jones, “The Cat in the Hat Comes Back” with Mrs. Brown, “Horton Hears a Who” with Ms. Siggins, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” with Miss Fuentes and “Oh, the Things You Can Think!” with Mrs. Hurtado.
Even transitional kindergarten students will be involved. On Wednesday, Mrs. Chavez’s TK class will get together with their “big buddies” in Mrs. Groves’ first-grade class to read a Dr. Seuss book and then play a word game.
Finally on Friday, the entire DECA student body will meet in the gym, where older and younger students will be paired in small groups to read Dr. Seuss books together.