There is still time for parents to enroll their children in the PreK program at Denair Elementar State Preschool.
The program – which began last week – has room for another 18 students on top of the 30 who are already enrolled, said teacher and site supervisor Erica Prock.
The PreK program is open to all children who turn 3 years old by Sept. 2, 2024 as well as 4-year-old who are not who are not eligible for transitional kindergarten.
PreK features play-based learning in which children are taught socialization skills, how to follow directions, rules and routines, health and safety practices and participate in cognitive development (shapes, letters, numbers, colors).
“Our main focus is setting the foundation for starting their academic career,” said Prock, who teaches the morning class. There is also an afternoon class taught by Erin Davis.
“We take our students on field trips, we participate in various school and district activities, and we provide resources for our families as needed with local agencies,” Prock explained. “We also have parent meetings throughout the year where parents can build relationships and learn about some of our local resource agencies.”
Families must meet income guidelines to qualify for the state-funded program.
Contact: Erica Prock or Erin Davis, Denair Elementary State Preschool teachers
(209) 634-9468 or eprock@dusd.k12.ca.us or edavis@dusd.k12.ca.us