Submitted by Denair Unified School District
Five accomplished and influential teachers and a popular maintenance man have announced their retirements from the Denair Unified School District at the end of this month. Combined, they have 171 years of service in schools.
Those retiring are:
- Patti Greer, second grade teacher, Denair Elementary Charter Academy
- Carol Hammond, reading intervention specialist, Denair Elementary Charter Academy
- Mary Worman, preschool teacher, Denair Elementary Charter Academy
- Colleen Vickery, eighth grade language arts teacher, Denair Middle School
- Johanna Hoyt, seventh grade language arts, Denair Middle School
- Charlie Asbill, maintenance man, Denair Middle School and Denair High School
All were honored and presented with inscribed clocks Thursday night at an emotional Board of Trustees meeting. There were smiles, hugs and more than a few tears – of gratitude and happy memories, and from close friends who won’t be seen quite as frequently.
Superintendent Aaron Rosander referred to teaching as “a lifelong calling” as part of his tribute to the retirees. “I couldn’t be more proud to be associated with you. Thank you for all that you’ve done.”
The Pulse reached out to all six employees; four of them responded.
Patti Greer, 29½ years in the district (40 overall): Greer expects that she will miss her colleagues as well as the eager faces of her students.
“When you teach in a district as long as I have, you develop friendships that last a lifetime,” she said. “I might have a visit once in a while to get a kid fix.” Continue reading “Denair Retirees Honored for Combined 171 Years of Service” »